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I think there is a bug. Are you supposed to be able to click on the deck to search for a card? I can just give myself 4 a bunch of mines on turn 1 and just wait out the rest of the game to win every time.

Great job with this. I’d love to see it developed to have a bit more of a strategy. I think giving cards a price to purchase would make this much more interesting. Right now, it seems the best strategy is to skip factories and just go for mines.

ohh nice catch, I thought we'd removed that!

Originally you had to click the deck to spawn the next card, we decided that was kind of redundant and confusing for players. Looks like we never removed that onClick handler :D

Yeh, I've played it a bunch, and just rushing green and blue mines and discarding other cards seems a pretty valid strategy.

We've been coming up with ideas to expand the gameplay, along the lines of having add-on cards that you can add to other cards on your hand to give bonuses, maybe event cards that immediately do something like give/remove tokens.

I really like the idea of having some sort of one-off price for a card though, good idea!


A great execution of a deck building game, well done! :)

Thanks! I think we're going to be adding to this one, was a lot of fun to make :)


Marvellous game man


Thanks for the kind words ^_^

I was thinking if i could help with the game somehow, you see I am also a unity game developer so just wondering


Nice simple mechanic, with some art it would make a great little boardgame.

Thanks! Yep, we've already got some ideas for new mechanics to flesh this out into a more complete game, and we'll need to find an artist :)

Thanks for taking the time to review, we really appreciate it. Art is absolutely something we need to work on, we're two programmers so that's not our strongest area :D